So why start at the end you may ask? Well, it was here in Rome that I realized my destino, aka - Destiny.
My first impression of this ancient city was a delightful surprise, although getting around took some getting used to. Driving through Rome can make one feel awfully dizzy. Every street goes in circles and people weave in and out of them like swarms of bees, all ready to sting ya if you get in their way! Trying to find our Hotel was like trying to find the Queen Bee. Once we made our way down the tiny alleyways that took us to the Hotel Forum, I was back to feeling like a butterfly and I didn't mind being perched on the rooftop of this famous Hotel where you could see all of Rome.
Hotel Forum
We spent the next four days seeing all the usual sights of Rome including Colosseo, Spanish Steps, Trevi Fountain, Pantheon, Saint Peter's Square, the Vatican, and the Ancient Ruins, all of them remarkable.....
After much searching, we found the Church and approached the legendary mouth. From that moment on, my truth was known. I know this because I still have both hands!
I wanted to spend my final day in Europe at a place that I knew would stay with me even long after I was gone so I put my favorite walking boots on and headed straight to the Keats/Shelley House. I first fell in love with Keats work in a college literature class. "I am certain of nothing but the holiness of the heart's affections, and the truth of imagination". Walking through the library of this house and seeing authentic original letters written by one of the great Romantic Poets was truly inspiring and when I walked out of the room in which Keats wrote his final words, I knew exactly what he meant.
The Library, left
Me in front of the house, right
John Keats desk
"A thing of beauty is a joy forever: it's loveliness increases;
it will never pass into nothingness."
February is a good time to remember John Keats who passed away on February 23, 1821 at the age of 25 - not because of his passing, but because of everything he brought to the world of romance and love.
I left Europe knowing I wanted to write. Scratch that. I need to write! The journey continues as we visit the vineyards of Tuscany next which means wine, wine, and oh, more wine!!
Arrivederci! Until we meet again....
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